Cigar Wrapper Varieties:
Connecticut Valley Shade-Grown Cigar-Wrapper Tobacco
Type 61.
Georgia and Florida Shade-Grown Cigar-Wrapper Tobacco Type 62.
"Seed Leaf" varieties are light and delicate. "Broadleaf" varieties are
large and somewhat heavier. "Sumatra" varieties are large and heavy.
Grown under shade canopies and air-cured for cigar
Leaves are harvested by priming. Priming entails the picking of individual
leaves as they ripen. Leaves are strung and air-dried in a barn or 'drying
Type 61. That type of shade-grown tobacco known as Connecticut Valley Shade-grown, produced principally in the Connecticut Valley section of Connecticut and Massachusetts.
Type 62. That type of shade-grown tobacco known as Georgia and Florida Shade-grown, produced principally in southwestern Georgia and in the central part of northern Florida.