Cigar Filler Varieties:
Ohio Cigar-Leaf Tobacco Types 42, 43, 44.
Grown and air-cured for cigar fillers (main body of
Plants are stalk-cut, left to wilt in the field, and barn dried.
Dutch | Foreheimer Gunderheimes III |
Lancaster Seedleaf |
Long Red | PA 60-19 |
PA Broadleaf | PA Red | Swarr | PA Swarr Hibshman | |
Type 42. That type of cigar-leaf tobacco commonly known as Gebhardt, Ohio Seedleaf, or Ohio Broadleaf, produced principally in the Miami Valley section of Ohio and extending into Indiana.
Type 43. That type of cigar-leaf tobacco commonly known as Zimmer, Spanish, or Zimmer Spanish, produced principally in the Miami Valley section of Ohio and extending into Indiana.
Type 44. That type of cigar-leaf tobacco commonly known as Dutch, Shoestring Dutch, or Little Dutch, produced principally in the Miami Valley section of Ohio.